Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hemorrhoids and Alcohol

So why does immoderate alcohol consumption cause or make hemorrhoids much worse? Alcohol tends to dehydrate the body, has a diuretic action, which increases the flow of urine causing a loss of corporal fluids producing harder stools manufacture any constipation much worse. This will cause more straining when having a bowel movement. You should try not to strain too hard and instead spend more time to try to ease the motion. Straining will also make any itching and inflammation worse.

The most tasteless cause of hemorrhoids is straining while a bowel movement because of hard stools which increases the blood pressure in the veins in the anus. Postponing a bowel movement and holding faecal matter too long in the rectum causes pressure to build up in the rectum veins.

Stools And Chairs

A hemorrhoid is an enlarged vein in the anus, also called a varicose vein. In a healthy person, the tissue nearby the anus fills with blood to regulate bowel movements. However, when there is constant pressure or other factors restricting blood flow, the veins become inflamed. Poor blood flow may result in a painful, swollen, protruding hemorrhoid.

Hemorrhoids and Alcohol

External Hemorrhoids are uncomfortable with itching. Blood may appear on toilet paper while bowel movements.Internal Hemorrhoids show rectal bleeding and intense pain. You may well have to push the hemorrhoids back in with your fingers after, but some petroleum jelly or other lubricant will help this.

Internal hemorrhoids often protrude and clot. The proximity of mucus and blood is also a sign.

Eating immoderate processed foods, which are low in fiber and move gradually through your colon. Hemorrhoids were not as tasteless 100 years ago when the Western diet was much higher in fiber. The rates of Hemorrhoids increases in countries where the diet becomes more westernised, meaning lots of processed refined foods low in fiber.

Hemorrhoids were generally seen in the over 50's, but with the increase in drinking culture amongst young habitancy the age is coming down. immoderate drinking, even alcoholism in young habitancy is producing hemorrhoid suffers in their early 20's. They are getting even younger.

Also pregnant women contact increased pressure on these veins and this can cause and aggravate hemorrhoids.

Stress put on the liver will contribute to hemorrhoids. The connection between poor liver function and hemorrhoids is well known in curative circles.

If a strain is put on the liver from poor diet, immoderate drinking or cirrhosis, blood flow to the liver will increase to help cope with this and this increases blood pressure to the veins in the anus, thus manufacture the hemorrhoids worse. surely this is a very simplistic explanation for it is too complicated to go into it here. Alcoholics and very heavy drinkers have a high incidence of hemorrhoids.

General body weakness, poor muscle tone in the anal area from too much drink, lack of exercise and being overweight. Too much alcohol consumption weakens your muscle tone and the muscles cannot hold in the veins nearby the anal area so they protrude through. Sitting about in chairs at home, work, or a car for long periods. Lounging about drinking instead of holding active. Irregular eating patterns, not getting the right vitamins and minerals in your food. Lack of protein leads to weak muscle tissue in the anal area and slows the curative of wounds.

Having said all this - some habitancy do have a predisposition to constipation or have inherited a frailness in the colon and rectum area, and are thus prone to hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids and Alcohol